Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.

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The PFC exists to promote science, reason, and secular humanist values in the greater Pittsburgh area.   

Please provide financial support by becoming a member. We have options for Annual, Monthly, and Lifetime memberships. 

All members receive a PFC pin, name badge, free attendance at most events, and lower cost rates at special events like Shrimp Boil and Festivus. (Free attendance excludes food, beverage, equipment rentals, etc.)

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Annual Member Join Now

  • $20 Regular Member
  • $10 Student Member
  • Subsidized membership available to volunteers with financial difficulties - email info@pghfreethought.org

Monthly Sustaining Member Join Now

  • Starts at $3 per month
  • Please consider additional support such as $2 or $7, for a total of $5 or $10 per month

Lifetime MemberJoin Now

  • $1,000 contribution -  never requires renewal

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