Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall
Pittsburgh Freethought Community
The Physics of Climate Change
Speaker: David Brunco, PhD
Thurs, Mar 6, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
Lincoln Gallery, Andrew Carnegie Free Library & Music Hall
300 Beechwood Ave, Carnegie, PA
In this event, we will be presenting climate change using Lawrence Krauss's book The Physics of Climate Change as a guide. As with the book, the intent is not to argue for specific policy or actions, but rather to focus on the fundamental science that should provide the foundation for such discussion. This event will be different from most climate change discussions, as participants are not told to accept climate change on faith / authority in deference to climate scientists. Rather, we will start with fundamental science and data, and then go where it takes us. In the process , we will discuss the role of the atmosphere in simple earth/sun energy balances, blackbody radiation, the Stefan-Boltzmann Law, Planck's Law, the 1860s experimental work of John Tyndall, the 1896 calculations of Nobel-laureate Svante Arrhenius, vibrations of the carbon dioxide molecule, the measurements of American scientist Charles Keeling, radiative forcing, global surface temperature trends, and the cooling upper stratosphere.
So please leave your opinions and biases at the door. Bring an open mind, critical thinking skills, and a passion for the scientific method instead.
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