Pittsburgh Freethought Community
Promoting Science, Reason and Secular Humanist Values
in the Greater Pittsburgh area.

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Steve Kutlenios - Treasurer

Steve Kutlenios, a lifelong Pittsburgh resident, retired from Allegheny Financial Group in 2023. He ended his 43-year career in the financial planning profession as a Principal and Board Member of the firm. During his career he achieved the Certified Financial Planner® and Chartered Financial Analyst™ designations.

Steve initially joined PFC to associate with like-minded individuals who believe that you can live a good and fulfilling life without following the dogma of a religion. He also thinks that it is better to understand our world based on critical thinking, science, and reason, instead of belief in some supernatural being.

He was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition but started to have doubts in his teen-age years. His deconstruction from religion has been based on a deeper understanding about evolution, cosmology and how religions are formed. His major influences have been Christopher Hitchens, Matt Dillahunty, Richard Dawkins, Bart Ehrman, Andrew Seidel, and Niel de Grasse Tyson.

Steve is a firm believer in the separation of Church and State and women’s rights. Hs is a member of The Freedom from Religion Foundation, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State and American Atheists.

On January 1, 2024, Steve was elected as Treasurer of the Pittsburgh Freethought Community.

In his spare time, he enjoys his life with his wife, Gaye, playing guitar, reading books, and exercising.

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